Digital Workplace

Work more efficiently with a tailored all-round solution

Enable your employees to perform optimally with a reliable environment tailored to their needs, allowing them to work securely from anywhere, at any time. Meanwhile, your sensitive data is protected in a centralised location.

Take two minutes to find out right now how a simple and user-friendly workspace creates added value in service-oriented organisations.


People looking at a screen together

All your applications and information brought together in one portal that is available everywhere.

SLTN makes it simple

Simple to use and manage, with predictable costs


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Always work with the latest laptops and tablets, for a fixed monthly price, including replacement equipment


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All your applications, new and existing, heavy or light, always available anytime, anywhere


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Have access to sufficient storage, processing power and speed at any time


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Count on SLTN to keep your organisation online all the time, whatever happens

Three steps towards a modern,
digital way of working

1. Transition plan

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What is your workplace like now? What are your needs? Where do you want to go? Together, we draw up a clear roadmap.

2. Transformation

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Your new workspace is implemented. From infrastructure to application. Your employees receive training and tips.

3. Contract

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For a set amount per user per month, you benefit from a complete workplace tailored to every type of employee, with the support you need.